
Sep 1 – Micah 5, Micah 6, Micah 7 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 Proverbs 21:17-26

Micah 5:2

But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah,

who are too little to be among the clans of Judah,

from you shall come forth for me

one who is to be ruler in Israel,

whose coming forth is from of old,

from ancient days.

This verse would lead the Magi (and Herod) to Bethlehem. Isn’t that amazing? 

They turned up at Herod’s palace expecting to find a new born king. But he wasn’t there. They were expecting a great ruler, the Messiah to be born but they couldn’t find Him. 

Until they are pointed to this prophecy. And where does it lead? To a house in Bethlehem with a young toddler named Jesus. 

Even hundreds of year before his birth, Jesus’ coming was told from old. The one who will rule, not just over Israel but all mankind. The time, the place – all of it was planned since the start of time.

Micah 6:8

He has told you, O man, what is good;

and what does the LORD require of you

but to do justice, and to love kindness,

and to walk humbly with your God?

What does God require from us? Really, when we get down to it? That we, like Him are loving, kind and just. That we walk humbly before God. 

He’s not interested in how much we can impress Him with grand gestures. He’s not interested in how much we sacrifice. Not really. Those things are good, but worth nothing without a heart that’s right. 

Israel were getting the scarifies right, but their lifestyles were not. 

It’s so simple really. When we reflect Gods goodness, kindness and mercy we reflect God. Our worship doesn’t take place in a bubble separated from what we do in the rest of our lives.

2 Cor 5:10

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.

We can be very good procrastinators we humans. Have you ever noticed that?

We are very good at putting things off until tomorrow – things that we know need doing but aren’t top of our desire list.

But it’s not just action or tasks or emptying the dishwasher that we are good at putting off. It’s thinking about certain things.

Those who do not know Jesus are very good at it – not thinking about death or the day where they have to make a decision – do they believe or not? It’s much easier to just not think about it.

But there are two appointments every person must keep.

Death. Unavoidable.

Judgement. Unavoidable.

Is appointed for us to die once. Then the judgement.

For those who die without Christ this is a terrible occasion. This is the judgement of the great white throne room – the judgement that leads to the second death.

For those who are saved – there is a judgement – but a different one. It is the Bema judgement – the judgement seat of Christ.

It’s not salvation that gets decided here – but rewards.

Grace is free.

Rewards are not.

We must live our lives knowing that there is coming a day where we must give an account for our works.

Where everything gets uncovered. Nothing is hidden. Not even the motive behind the works.

And that rewards are based on it.

And we are not talking about book tokens. We are talking about Eternal Rewards.

If we were to truly live our lives in the light of eternity – we’d think about things very differently. Every temptation will be viewed different. Every choice and decision would have a lot more perspective.

I understand why we don’t. It’s daunting. Intimidating even.

But it’s a far wiser person who puts the effort in and studies for the exam than the person who does not.

How do you feel about the idea that you will have to give an account at the judgement seat? Is it with a sense of sensible trepidation, or is it with abject fear? Or somewhere in between?

Everything matters. It all matters. And it’s all coming out. Holiness matters. How you treat people, what you do when you are alone, the way you are around the lost, how much you argue with your family. The heart behind your good works…

All of this counts – everything we do and don’t do, both good and bad.

The things we have done and the things we have not done. The time we have spend wisely and the tie we have wasted on things that are not eternal.

As the singer Keith Green said – “All Roads lead to the Judgement seat of Christ.”

I trust we can live our lives with the Judgement seat in mind. With heaven’s perspective rather than ours.

I believe if we did – we would live very differently – and our impact would be very different too.

And I pray that as we do so – we can do great things for God.

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