
Nov 25 Ezekiel 47, Ezekiel 48 1 Peter 4 Psalm 133:1-3

1 Pet 4:7

The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.

Sober minded. What does that mean? We can read and read the word, but sometimes it’s good to stop and ask what the word means. It means serious, sensible, and composed. Which is interesting to me, because in today’s culture those are probably three virtues that are frowned upon.

Our faith needs to be taken seriously. It’s not a game. We treat seriousness with suspicion sometimes, but remember – the end of all things is at hand.

We have been given a mission. A great mission. It needs treating seriously.

And we need to pray seriously.

Sober minded might not seem cool nowadays, but it’s the mindset we should be looking to gain.

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