
Jun 23 – 1 Kings 11:14-43, 1 Kings 12:1-24 Acts 15:22-41 Psalm 77:10-20

1 Kings 12:8

But he abandoned the counsel that the old men gave him and took counsel with the young men who had grown up with him and stood before him. 

King Rehoboam asked for advice. He then soundly ignored it. That’s not uncommon amongst young leaders.

Church should be multi-generational, because the old men, (believe it or not) have something relevant to say.

It’s usually the council of the younger men that gets us into trouble.

The young will have news ideas – good ideas… and that’s not a bad thing. But there’s wisdom in the old men too.

Rehoboam did not honour the past. Instead he turned to the people he knew would agree with him.

Don’t just surround yourself with people who agree with you – bring people into your circle who will disagree – for at the very least, the ensuing discussion helps you understand why you think what you think.

Ps 77:12

I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds.  

What a wonderful thing to do – to sit back and mediate on HIs wonderful deeds. Look at all He has created – look at all He has done.

He is so amazing. It’s easy to forget just how amazing He is. Make sure in like you take time to sit down – stop – meditate on His mighty deeds. It will do you the world of good.

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