
May 30 – 1 Samuel 26, 1 Samuel 27, 1 Samuel 28 John 19:1-27 Psalm 68:21-27

1 Sam 6-7

And when Saul inquired of the LORD, the LORD did not answer him, either by dreams, or by Urim, or by prophets.

Then Saul said to his servants, “Seek out for me a woman who is a medium, that I may go to her and inquire of her.” And his servants said to him, “Behold, there is a medium at En-dor.”

When God seems silent – don’t get frustrated. Saul had allowed himself to get into a position where he could not longer hear the word of God… where the dreams had stopped and the prophets had nothing.

He should have stepped back and asked “Where am I going wrong?” But no… instead he tried to find a shortcut “Get me a medium”. It’s a sign of how far away he had drifted, that it never occurred to him what a bad idea this was.

John 19:26-27

When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son!”

Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother!” And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home.

For the fourth time this year we find ourselves again at the cross. And we get a different perspective here – a much more personal one.

John was the only one of the core disciples who was there on that day. The others had fled. There was a handful of women, Mary the mother of Jesus and there was John.

In the middle of the crucifixion, in the middle of the physical pain and agony of the cross, and the spiritual agony of bearing the sins of the whole world, Jesus took a moment to make sure someone was looking after His mum. Isn’t that amazing?

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