
Jun 26 1 Kings 16:8-34, 1 Kings 17, 1 Kings 18:1-15 Acts 17:1-21 Psalm 78:9-16

1 Kings 16:30

And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD, more than all who were before him. 

I verse 25 we hear Omri did more evil than all who came before him. Quite an inditement. Then right after, his son Ahab is described also as doing more evil than all before him.

In other words, it was getting worse and worse – each successive generation did more evil than the last.

As I’m getting older, I am becoming the sort of person who starts saying, things never used to be this bad… but I also remember old people saying that when I was young. Is it a matter of perspective, or are things truly getting worse?

I sued to think it was a matter of perspective – but now I’m not so sure. What was considered taboo by one generation becomes the norm for the next. Rebellion on top of rebellion.

Society seems to keep on doing more evil than the last. Only a turn around back to God can change that. We need Elijahs to stand up in these generations and to confront the society we live in. Or, the path of building on rebellion of the past will continue.

It is possible. It’s happened before – it can happen again.

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