
Aug 11 Ecclesiastes 1, Ecclesiastes 2, Ecclesiastes 3:1-22 1 Corinthians 7:1-16 Psalm 94:12-23

Eccles 1:9

What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.

We now take little diversion into the book of Ecclesiastes.

We read about Solomon asking for Wisdom and now we are dipping into some of his writings.

It’s a strange book… Cynical and world weary. It even seems like a book without hope at times.

But ti’s best looked at as a book that asks some big questions that we all ask. It’s a book that, as David Pawson puts it, asks the questions that the rest of the bible answers.

I used to read this book and think Solomon was a bit depressive… now i’ve hit 40 I read it and find myself agreeing with him more than I’d like. It’s book that tackles issues that we all face, injustice, futility, the search for meaning. It doesn’t give answers to them all, but it certainly makes you seek.

Why is this strange book in the bible? God has placed it hear to help us explore some of these deep questions. We can find some wrong ideas along side some good ones – it helps us deal with pessimism and optimism. And it shows us how, in a world without Christ there are no satisfying answers – they can only be found in Him.

Eccles 3:1

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: 

We speak about seasons often, but we forget about their reality when we go through a bad one. Life is full of seasons and times. Good times and bad. Times to celebrate and times to mourn. Such is the nature of life. When we hit a time of mounting or a time of sorrow, it doesn’t mean Jesus has forgotten us, but that He’s with us through this season. And this season will end.

None of us get through life without some sorrow or mourning. Even Jesus was described as a man fo sorrows.

Seasons come and seasons go. And they do end. Sadness may be here now – but joy comes in the morning.

If you are going through a difficult season take heart. First, these seasons hit us all. Second, it will come to an end. And third, He is with you through it all.

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