
Aug 18 – Song 1, Song 2, Song 3, Song 4 1 Corinthians 12:1-26 Psalm 99:1-9

Song 2:4

He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.  

As we reach the end of Solomon’s life we take a moment and go to the Song of Solomon. This is a beautiful book, but also one that has been misunderstood.

Is it about the love between a man and a woman? Or is is about the love between Christ and His church (Or Israel and God)?

Most people will pick on or the other. But really, it’s both, It applies in both ways. There’s some beautiful imagery about love and marriage in here, and some great lessons – but also it’s a beautiful picture of Christ’s love for us. And this makes sense, after all what is love between a married couple? it’s a shadow, a reflection of Christ’s love for his church.

You don’t have to pick and choose how to apply this book as you read it. It’s both.

Song 2:15

Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards, for our vineyards are in blossom.”

The little foxes that spoil the vineyard. This is a representation of the little things that don’t seem like a big deal, but can very quickly turn into a major problem. Little foxes become big foxes and they can ruin a good thing.

They need dealing with early on =- catch them while they are little and they won’t become big.

This is true in several ways. First in your marriage – deal with those small niggles before they become big ones. Don’t let things fester – don’t go to bed on a night angry with each other.

The same is true in your relationship with God – little sin, little areas of rebellion will grow. Deal with them early on. Don’t sit back and wait – as they will become very big foxes.

It’s also true in church. Little disagreements can cause massive spilts. Honour each other and deal with problems early.

1 Cor 12:47

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. 

We are all different to each other. This is a good thing! Good doesn’t give us all the same mission or the same gifts – if everyone was doing the same thing, there would be a great many things not done!

We all have something to give – and it’s something different for all of us. That’s how bodies work – each bit playing it’s part.

But all of it comes from the Spirit for the common good. Don’t try and be someone else – be you, God made you as you.

Some seek someone else’s gift or ministry – because it’s God who gives as He wills. We seek Him and He gives the gifts.

We don’t decide what gift that He gives – He does. We can’t force that. We can’t force when He does either. What we can do is be open and faithful and to follow His lead.

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