
20/1/18 – Genesis 40, Genesis 41:1-40 Matthew 14:1-21 Proverbs 2:12-22

Gen 40: 14 – Only remember me, when it is well with you, and please do me the kindness to mention me to Pharaoh, and so get me out of this house.

I wonder, was this a lack of faith on the part of Joseph, or was is Joseph seeing God present an opportunity in front of him? Sometimes the line between those 2 things can be very hard to see.

We read at the end of chapter 40 that the cupbearer forgot Joseph and in chapter 41 that it would be 2 years until he remembered him again.

Was the wait part because Joseph moved ahead without God, or was it part of God’s plan and God’s timing. In truth, I don’t think we can answer that.

What we do know id this – Jospeh was in the right place when the cupbearer remembered him. That the person who knew that Jospeh could answer dreams was also in the right place at the right time, which itself was something of a miracle, as cupbearers didn’t have the greatest life expectancy.

Joseph was in a difficult place – but it was the right place. He was there longer than he’d have hoped – but it was the right amount of time.

When the dreams came, warning Pharaoh about the famine to come… Joseph was ready to speak. Only God can orchestrate such things.

You may be in an uncomfortable place – it may be a place you thought you’s have been out of by now. You may even feel forgotten and neglected. But God sees the bigger picture. He sees past more than just 7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine – He sees the beginning from the end. And He places His people where they need to be.

If Jospeh had been out of prison, he could have been away from the city – even away from the country. Without Joseph what use was the warning dream? Without Jospeh they wold not have been ready for the famine – and even his family could have starved.

It can take time, but when God moves, God moves – Jospeh was brought out of the put quickly. In a day his life changed. Don’t think God is beyond being able to do that for you too.

Matt 14: 13-14 – Now when Jesus heard this, he withdrew from there in a boat to a desolate place by himself. But when the crowds heard it, they followed him on foot from the towns. When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick.

Jesus wanted to be alone – He’d just heard of the death of His cousin, John so He withdrew to a desolate place by Himself.

But the crowds don’t think of that. They followed and a great crowd formed.

Isn’t it always the way when you are trying to have your quiet time? Isn’t it always the way when you are stressed or wanting a moment that everyone else is wanting your attention?

Jesus responded, with love. He had compassion on them – he healed their sick – he taught them. He fed them.

And afterwards He sent them away.

When people seem to be always around in need – even when you want to be alone, or spend time with the Lord. Respond with kindness. Respond with compassion.

But then, like Jesus, make sure they do move on – and still have that quiet time.

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