
Nov 2 Joel 2:18-32, Joel 3 Hebrews 4:1-13 Psalm 119:145-152

Heb 4:12

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

The metaphor that the writer is using is that of the sword. The most familiar sword at that time would be that of a Roman solider and it would be safe to assume when this was written, it’s the image that would have come most to mind.

Every Roman soldier had a sword, the gladius. It’s where the word gladiator comes from.

It was a double edged blade between 12 and 20 inches long, so not a long sword. 

It was designed for close combat. It was not the only sword available but the most popular.

Because it was a close combat sword using it effectively was a matter of life or death.

The double edge meant you could cut both ways, it was effective in a scrap. Same with the length – a long sword is harder to fight with when you get close.

Are you armed with this sword?

There is a real problem today – we have so much information at the palm of our hands – more so than any time in the history of the world. If we want to know anything we can find out in a couple of seconds.

But here is the problem – the is so much information available but there is no retention. We can find out a lot, but we don’t remember anything.

Don’t treat your bible like that.

Memorise verses. Memorise parts of scripture. Then when you need them you can recite them – you can use them. That’s Rhema in action.

Perhaps we don’t encourage you enough to do this – memorise scripture – get it from the page into your heart and mind, then when your lips need it, it’s there.

And whilst it’s good to remember the chapter and verse what’s really important is the content.

There’s too much information about today and not enough revelation. But this word, it’s living and active. It’s able to speak into situations – it’s able to pierce right to that heart of a matter. Right to the joints and the marrow – or the division of Spirit and Soul – in other words it gets as deep into you as deep can be.

Let this living word speak to you. Let it challenge you.

The bible is the armoury. It’s where all the swords are kept. The bible is full of thousands and thousands of swords of the Spirit – all ready to use and each one powerful and double edged. But you can’t use them if you don’t have them with you.

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