
17/8/18 – Numbers 5:11-31, Numbers 6:1-27 – Luke 2:1-20 – Proverbs 7:6-20

Luke 2:16-19

And they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in a manger. And when they saw it, they made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child. And all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.

Mary treasured up all these things in her heart. I love that verse… it really makes me think. How did Luke know that? How did He know what Mary was thinking?

As mentioned a few days ago – Luke interviewed people who were there at the time. We also know that Luke would have met James, the brother of Jesus at the council of Jerusalem.

I wonder… did James tell Luke this nativity story? Or… was Mary still around at this point? Did Luke actually get the opportunity to speak to Mary and hear the events from her point of view?

I believe he did. At the start of his book, he states he’s trying to get a correct collection of the events. So he’d not speculate about what someone was thinking. He could only legitimately say this if he knew that’s what she was thinking.

All these years later – Mary remembered what had happened. She’d not talked about it when Jesus was alive – Jesus never talks about His birth and nobody ever brings it up as an issue… but now with the hindsight of the resurrection – Mary was able to share this.

When God does something amazing – take notice of what Mary did. Treasure it… ponder it in your heart. Today might not be the time to share it… or tweet it.

You might not see the full extend of it now – don’t forget His goodness, because in years to come, it could have a whole new light shed on it when you see what God has done. And, like Mary – when you see the full picture, it will be real blessing to others.

Prov 7:6-9

For at the window of my house

I have looked out through my lattice,

and I have seen among the simple,

I have perceived among the youths,

a young man lacking sense,

passing along the street near her corner,

taking the road to her house

in the twilight, in the evening,

at the time of night and darkness.

A young man lacking sense… this guy is just asking for trouble. He’s deliberately going to see this adulterous woman. He’s had plenty of time to change his mind or turn back, but he’s enticed.

Don’t be this guy. Nothing good waits for him.

When you find yourself getting into situations that could turn to sin – stop. Turn around.

Don’t allow your morality to slip. What seems enticing can lead to destruction.

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