
16/2/18 – Exodus 19, Exodus 20 Mark 1:29-45, Mark 2:1-17 Psalm 22:12-21

Ex 20:1

And God spoke all these words:

He then gives the 10 commandments. This is the list of 10 we can always come back to – unchanging, eternal, written in stone.

Or so you’d think.

Here’s the title of an article that was in the Telegraph towards the end of 2017. “The Six Commandments? Christians feel four of the ten are no longer important”.

The four which have fallen by the wayside are the requirement not to worship idols, use the Lord’s name in vain, to worship no other God, and to keep the Sabbath day holy.

Which makes me wonder…. what on earth is going on????

This is what happens when WE start deciding what’s important. God put these in stone for a reason, because left to our own devices we’d change them.

We don’t get to decide what God says. God does.

We don’t make our own morality. God does.

We don’t get to rewrite the rules based on society. What God has said, God has said and we don’t change it. He is the same, yesterday today and forever.

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