
28/3/18 – Numbers 23:27-30, Numbers 24, Numbers 25 Luke 7:11-35 Psalm 38:1-11

Luke 7:14-15

Then he went up and touched the bier they were carrying him on, and the bearers stood still. He said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!” The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother.

This man was dead. So dead, they were on their way to bury him. The widow did not ask for Jesus to intervene – it’s not like Lazarus or Jairus’ Daughter, where Jesus was asked for help.

No – they were just passing. Jesus saw the widow and had compassion. Because Jesus had compassion a funeral became a party!

The young man got up! People were afraid (who wouldn’t be?) but they were over the moon. The whole city was coming out to mount for this guy and now he was alive!

Even in times where we’ve given in – in times of great distress – Jesus is still there. Jesus still has compassion for us. No matter how bad it gets – when Jesus gets involved, funerals become parties.

Ps 38:5-8

My wounds fester and are loathsome

because of my sinful folly.

I am bowed down and brought very low;

all day long I go about mourning.

My back is filled with searing pain;

there is no health in my body.

I am feeble and utterly crushed;

I groan in anguish of heart.

In some way the Psalmist is linking his guilt to His sickness. He is so effected by HIs sin, it’s effecting him physically. That’s not a good place to be in.

This has isolated him and given his enemies opportunity to move against him.

Sin does this. It torments us, so much sometimes even our bodies feel it – we let the guilt and shame separate us… and the enemy will take advantage of that.

But we don’t need to drive ourselves into such suffering. The only solution is to call out to God, for His forgiveness, His healing and His protection.

We may be overwhelmed – He never is.

We may fail Him. He never fails us.

Cast it all on Him.

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