7 – The Church

Hebrews 10:25 

“Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see
the Day approaching.” 

People go to church for all kinds of reasons. Some might go because they like the singing or because the are lonely and they enjoy being with other people. Others might go to church because their parents or their friends do, or others because they are thinking of getting married. Some go to church regularly, others spasmodically and others only when they have to, like when they attend a wedding. What about you, why do you go to church and how regularly do you attend? 

Some think church is not an important part of a Christian life and that as long as they keep praying all will be just fine. Is that the case?

In this section we are going to look at the role the church plays in the life of the Christian. Just how important is it and what’s it all about? We will begin by looking at the question, What is it? 

Understanding the church – What is it? 

When you think of the word ‘church’ what do you think of? Write down some of the thoughts and ideas that come to your mind?


In the Bible and particularly the New Testament the word ‘church’ is used in various ways to help us get a better understanding of what exactly it is? We will begin by noticing that: 

It is Universal 

The universal church includes every one throughout the whole world who has accepted Jesus Christ as their Savour. It includes all those who are alive now, all those who are yet to become Christians and all those who have died and are in God’s presence right now. It is not yet complete and the first meeting is yet to take place because Jesus hasn’t re- turned yet. So the true church is made up of all those people on earth and in heaven who have repented and believed in the Lord Jesus Christ – if you have done this you belong to it too. How large it is we do not know, but it is massive and will include millions of people from all ages, backgrounds, cultures and nationalities. (See N.T – Revelation 5:9-10) One example of where Jesus used the word ‘church’ in the universal sense is found in (N.T) – Matthew 16:18. I would suggest that you look at this verse. 

It is Local 

The word ‘church’ is also used in the New Testament of the local church. The local church is a group of Christians united in certain beliefs, aims and purpose,
working together for God in a local area. The local church is an
expression of the universal church in a particular place. As we will see in 

this paper it is important that every Christian belongs to a local church. One example of where Jesus used the word ‘church’ in the local sense is found in (N.T) Matthew 18:17. Again it would be good if you read this verse. 

So the church either means, ’the local gathering of God’s people in a particular place’ or, ’every person in heaven and on earth in different places who know Jesus Christ.’ 

Look at the following verses from the New Testament and see if you can identify which is being referred to. Next to each one write either ‘LOCAL’ or ‘UNIVERSAL.’ 

Romans 16:3-5 _____________ 

Revelation 2:18 _____________ 

Colossians 4:16 _____________ 

Hebrews 12:22&23 _____________ 

Revelation 3:7 _____________ 

Galatians 1:2 ____________ 

Colossians 1:18 _____________ 

Revelation 2:1 _____________ 

1 Corinthians 1:2 ____________ 

2 Thessalonians 1:1 ____________ 

Revelation 3:1 ____________ 

Revelation 3:14 ___________ 

The church then is both universal and local. It is mainly through the local church that God has chosen to reveal Himself to the world. Every Christian needs to be involved in a local church. Every Christian needs a spiritual home as well as a physical home and the local church is where you will find it. If you haven’t discovered a local church yet, you need to do so as soon as possible. 

It is People 

The ‘church’ as described in the New Testament is not a building, it is people. As a Christian, you along with the other Christians you relate to are the church. A local church is made up of believers who meet together in a local area to worship God together. The church is built on relationships between God and man and between people. These relationships are only meaningful with the love, trust and commitment, which Jesus talked about. 

In (N.T) John 13:34-35 Jesus says that one of the ways His disciples will be recognised by would be? ___________________________________________________________________________ 

You need to be committed to a local church 

The only way you can really benefit from church and the church can benefit from you, is to be committed to it. Where we meet is not important, the important thing is to find a local church where the people truly love and honour the Lord Jesus Christ and stick with them. But don’t expect to find a perfect church because there isn’t one. The church is made up of people and just as there is no perfect people, so there is no perfect church. We all have our weaknesses and we can all find faults if we want to. But this is no reason for not being committed.

How can you be committed to a local church? What does it mean to be committed to a local church? 

There are basically two main ways in which you can show your commitment to a local church. 


Both Scripture and experience confirms that any person who claims to be a follower of Jesus but neglects the regular consistent gathering together of God’s people will not grow in their relationship with Jesus. How many times have you heard it said, ‘you don’t have to go to church to be a Christian.’ The answer to that is, ‘if you are a Christian you WILL go to church.’
(N.T) Hebrews 10:25 says, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as we see the Day

What does this verse tell us we should not do? ________________________________ 

What does this verse tell us we should do? ____________________________________

So the Bible commands us to regularly meet together for fellowship and encouragement. This is something the New testament Christians did – they regularly and continually met together as church. (See N.T – Acts 2:42) 

Look at (N.T) John 20:19-25. What did Thomas miss because he wasn’t with his fellow believers? ________________________________________________________________ 

It is very important that you regularly attend church gatherings, in fact, this should be your desire. Sunday is obviously an important time when the church meets together and if you are really committed to the church you will ensure that you regularly and
consistently attend the Sunday services. Of course, this means much more than an hour or two on a Sunday – it means we will regularly attend other meetings too, some of which will be during the week and not just on Sunday. This might involve large meetings, small meetings, formal and informal times. But it means being together as much as we can. 


If you are really committed to the local church you will not only regularly and consistently meet together with your brothers and sisters, but you will also get involved in the life of the church. Make yourself available to serve in whatever way you can. Become a contributor and a participator, not a spectator. Being committed involves service. Every one of us have a part to play in church life. As we have already noted, we need to find the things that God wants us to do and then use these abilities for the benefit of your fellow Christians. (Look again at what we saw earlier in 1 Corinthians 12:12-26) 

At first this might involve doing small things, but as you grow and as the church leadership see that you can be trusted in the small things other opportunities will be given you to serve in other areas. One thing you can do immediately is to ask if there is anything you can do now, any way you can serve and get involved, however small it may be. This thought will be developed upon more in the next point, which is – Why do you need to attend church? 

Part of the Christian life involves getting on with other people, especially fellow Christians. Jesus wants the church to be an example of how a group of people with different personalities, backgrounds and cultures can live in harmony with one another. Young and old, black and white, intelligent and not so intelligent, rich and poor, introvert and extravert, male and female are all equally important to God. 

The words “one another” or “each other” appear many times in the New Testament. In each case they tell us something about how we should relate to one another. Below you will find some examples of these. Write down the phrase from each Bible verse. The first one we have already looked at. 

John 13:34-35 – Love one another
Romans 14:13___________________________________________________________________ 

Romans 15:7____________________________________________________________________

Galatians 5:13___________________________________________________________________ 

Galatians 6:2____________________________________________________________________ 

Ephesians 4:32__________________________________________________________________ 

Colossians 3:9___________________________________________________________________ 

James 5:16 ______________________________________________________________________ 

One of the best descriptions given of the church is that of a body – the body of Christ. The main passage where we find this is (N.T) 1 Corinthians 12:12-26. From this passage the church is compared to a human body. The members of the church are like the parts of the body. Turn to this passage and notice the following: 

We are all part of the same body (v12)
We are not the same – we have different gifts and functions (v14-19) Variety is a strength (v17)
We are all needed (v21)
Every member is important (v22-25)
We should share in each others sufferings and joys (v26) 

This is why it is important to become part of the church so that you can find your gifts and function in the local body of Christ. You need your brothers and sisters and they need you. We are all different but this can be a strength as you pull together and grow in your knowledge of Jesus Christ. 

Why do you need to attend church? 

There are many good reasons why we need to regularly go to church. In addition to the fact that we are commanded to do this, what other reasons are there? Below is a list of Bible verses and a list of statements that give us some reasons for why we must meet together as Christians. 

Look at these and try and link each reason to the correct Bible verse. All verses are from the New Testament unless it says otherwise. 

Psalm 150
1 Thessalonians 5:11 Psalm 100:4-5 

Matthew 18:20 

Hebrews 10:25 to praise God. 

So that I can thank and praise God for His goodness. 

Because Jesus has promised to be with us in a special way. 

So we can encourage one another and build each other up. 

Because the Bible tells us we must not stop meeting together. 

So that our musical gifts can be used 

What these verses and many others teach us is that we need to come together to GIVE AND RECEIVE. 

In (N.T) Acts 2:42 we are told that there was four reasons why the New Testament Christians came together. What were they?
1. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________________________________________ 

One of the ways we receive is as we listen to experienced Christians explain to us what the Bible teaches through preaching.
This is a very important part of church life and it is one of the main ways we learn about how God wants us to live. This was one of the reasons why the New Testament Christians came together as mentioned in Acts 2:42 given above. 

Another way we receive is as we listen to and take advice from the church leaders. In the New Testament time, the local church was led by elders or overseers. (You will find some information about this in (N.T) 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, Hebrews 13:7&17, 1Peter 5:1-3) 

This is another major way in which God speaks to us. Through these ministries you can be helped, directed, prepared, taught and discipled, As a Christian you need to know that your spiritual leaders are available to help you and advise you. 

In (N.T) 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 we are commanded to “respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.” 

Sometimes these leaders are given other names. Turn to (N.T) Ephesians 4:11-16 to read about these. From 11 what are some of these leaders called?

1. _____________________
2. _____________________ 

3. _____________________

4. _____________________
5. _____________________ 

What v12-16 shows us is that members of God’s family (the church) develop through good leadership guiding and equipping them.

So one of the reasons we are to meet together with our brothers and sisters is so that we can receive. But by far the main reason is to give. The New Testament makes it very clear that we are part of the church for the purpose of giving. This is how we get involved – we get involved by giving, by serving. In fact the Bible makes it clear that if we are to receive we must give. In (N.T) Luke 6:38 Jesus says: 

“Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” 

This principle is a vital spiritual law. We receive in proportion to what we give – give and you will receive. So if you want to receive, and be blessed, if want to benefit from when you meet together with other Christians, you need to get involved – you need to give – you need to serve. 

In (N.T) Acts 20:35? We are told that Jesus said, “it is MORE BLESSED TO GIVE than to receive.” 



The church can continue the work of Jesus here on earth as
you participate with the gifts God has given you. These gifts
are given for the building up of the body of Christ so that it can be effective for God. 

In (N.T) Romans 12:3-8 we have a list of some different gifts. Read this passage and find seven gifts. 

Do you think that you have any of these gifts? 

When we think of serving then there are two aspects to this. There is. ‘practical’ serving and ‘spiritual’ serving. 


As already noted above, you have some ability you can use to “serve one another in love” – (N.T) Galatians 5:13. Here are just a few ideas (there are many more) of how you can serve the body practically: 

Coffee making/serving , Children and teens, Stewarding, Gardening, Flower arranging, Visiting, Catering, Transport, Letter writing, Communion serving, General D.I.Y, etc. 

There are of course many more practical areas where you can get involved in serving the body. As you contribute your time, effort and skill, you’ll be greatly blessed, as well as being a blessing to others. 


From (N.T) 1 Corinthians 14:26 what are we to do, when we come together? __________________________________________________________________________________________________

When we come together for worship, we are to come prepared to participate, to contribute in whatever way we can. This might be a prayer, an expression of thanks, a testimony, a reading, or a spiritual gift, etc. The important thing is to come ready to participate. The Lord doesn’t want you sitting back and becoming a spectator. As a new Christian it may take time for you to feel comfortable enough to actually do something publicly, like praying, but you can still be a participator by simply joining in with every one else. If you’re the shy, quiet kind, ask the Lord to help you overcome your reticence. 


Serving and giving extends to money. According to the New Testament, money is important to the kingdom of God – though greed is condemned. (See N.T – 1 Timothy 6:10) The Bible tells us your giving should be: 

In proportion to your means. A bank manager will obviously give more than a student. With cheerfulness. Better not to give at all than to give reluctantly. 

What does (N.T) 2 Corinthians 9:7 say that God loves? __________________________________ 

Our giving should also be Systematic. Aim to plan ahead rather than give haphazardly. 

The church, like most others, needs finance for the support of full time
ministers in the church, gifts for Christian workers overseas, visiting
speakers and helping the needy in church. In addition, we spend money
on evangelism, maintenance of church premises, gas and electricity,
printing, stationary and postage – and much more. Be a giver – of
yourself, your time, your gifts, your skills, your insights and your finance –
and experience the blessing of God, who, “so the loved the world that he gave his one and only Son.” (John 3:16). 

How should you come to church? 

If you are going to really benefit from those times when we come together then it is essential that we come in a right manner. How you come to church and your attitude in church is vitally important – we need to come to church in the right way in order to know God’s blessing upon these times. 

The first thing you need to do is to ensure that you are in the best physical, mental and spiritual shape. For this to happen you need to take time to PREPARE BEFORE YOU COME. Preparing beforehand is going to help you come ready and prepared for worship. 

You need to come prepared physically 

It is important you come to church prepared physically and mentally so that you arrive in a relaxed frame of mind. There is nothing worse that arriving at church late and unsettled because we haven’t prepared adequately in the physical and mental realm. Using Sunday as our example, here are some practical suggestions to help you: 


In order to be ready for church get up in plenty of time. (Going to bed earlier than normal the night before will help!) In addition to the obvious washing and dressing, there can be numerous other things that you might need to do – getting up in plenty of time will help you to accomplish these without rushing around in a panic and will ensure that you get to church in plenty of time. 


Take extra time the night before to get things together and ready for the following day. For example, if the car needs filling up with petrol do it on Saturday, so you won’t have to do it on Sunday. Also make sure you have your Bible, notepad and pen ready. I believe this is something you should always come to church with. There are a whole variety of things that could be included here depending on your personal circumstances. Can you think of some of the things you could do? 

You need to come prepared spiritually 

As we have already noted from (N.T) 1 Corinthians 14:26 we are to come to church prepared to participate and contribute. This becomes easier and more probable if you have adequately prepared yourself spiritually beforehand. This is another reason for either getting up in time before the meeting, or spending some extra time in preparation the night before. You might want to spend some time praying and reading the Bible. Ask God to soften your heart so that you are ready to hear what God might want to say to you and how God might want to use you. Confess any anger or sin you have towards others so that it doesn’t interfere with your time worshipping God at church. 

Entering the church building 

Here are some practical Biblical suggestions on how to enter the church: 


Be friendly to your brothers and sisters and encourage each other. As you are waiting for the meeting to start and you see someone you don’t know who might be a visitor go and introduce yourself to them and welcome them. 


This is a good general rule to adopt, unless thee are good sensible reasons for not doing so. 


Always attempt to be on time. There is no excuse for always being late. If you’ve prepared well this will not be a problem. 


Come with excitement and anticipation, believing that God is going to bless you. This again will be aided by good preparation. What does (N.T) Hebrews 11:6 tell us about the importance of faith? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


What does (O.T) Psalm 100:4 tell us to, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!” 

You should arrive at church with a determination to praise and thank God. As well as being a command, praise and thanksgiving is something that should naturally flow from within us in response to the goodness of God in our lives. Praise will also prepare us to hear from God. (See (O.T) Psalm 33:1, 147:1, (N.T) 1 Thessalonians 5:18 , Hebrews 13:5) 

During the service 

How should we conduct ourselves during the service? What type of things should you be seeking to do? How should we act? What should your attitude be? Here are some suggestions: 


Concentrate! Its amazing what we fail to hear or understand simply because we do not listen. Make every effort to stop your mind wandering. Sing from your heart not just your lips. 


Don’t sit on the sidelines, enter in! As already seen, you go to church to primarily give not receive. Be a part of the meeting not an onlooker. It’s only as we enter in a give that we receive. See (N.T) – Luke 6:38. Church is not a good spectator sport – it’s very different when you join in.


Our gatherings together for worship should not be tense affairs. Church is to be enjoyed. Our services should be uplifting experiences. God is not out to get you, He loves you, so relax and enjoy your relationship with Him and with Gods’ people. We are family. 


If you feel God is speaking to you, showing you something, or you hear something that you feel will help you in the future, make a note of it. God can reveal something to you in all kinds of different ways, e.g. – a prophecy, a song, a testimony etc, and of course through the preaching. 

After the service 

If you are not careful it is possible to lose all that God has said and done in a meeting by acting and speaking carelessly once the meeting as finished. Here are three simple suggestions that will help you retain God’s blessing: 


This is wrong at the best of times, but it is particularly out of place after a service of worship. Don’t gossip away the blessing.
(See (O.T) – Proverbs 11:13, 18:8, 20:19, 26:20) 


As you leave be friendly, positive and helpful. Encourage each other in word and deed. 


Be determined to work out and apply what God has revealed to you during the church service. Apply it to your own life – work out your faith. (See (N.T) – James 1:22-25, 2:14-19) Unless you apply God’s Word to your daily life it will not benefit you at all. So, don’t lose or abuse it, but instead use it and do it! 

A Prayer 

Thank you Father for the church. Thank you for showing me how important it is for me to be a part of the church family. Help me not to sit on the sidelines and be a spectator but help me to get involved in the life of the 

church. Make me a blessing and an encouragement to you and my fellow brothers and sisters. Help me to serve you in whatever way I can so that in all I do our church and my part in it, will bring honour and glory to your name. Amen. 

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